Learning Engine Improvements




Learning Engine Improvements

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At Shoelace, delivering high-quality, educational content is a top priority. Every change to the game is balanced against how it will impact the players’ learning experience. One of the biggest adjustments to the platform we’ve made over the past year, was the redesign of the question window itself,…

Black Friday Promotion

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We're Running A Promotion! November crept up on us fast! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’re kicking off the giving season with a Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotion for everyone!  A Special Gift for Premium Plan Holders Educators (who have a Premium Plan or) upgrade…

The ShoelaceL Challenge

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We’ve launched a spectacular new dwell for your players to challenge! This nightmarishly difficult dwell was designed to increase playtime and encourage players to continue answering questions correctly. To learn more about challenges, visit our help desk article.

How to Approach Students Starting the School Year Below Reading Level

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It’s time for a new school year to begin – a fresh start for everyone! The beginning of the year is an exciting time to get settled in with your new group of scholars. There is usually a little underlying anxiety about what that group will hold. A few questions…

12 Ways to Encourage More Reading Time

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While everyone loves to relax in the summer heat and have lots of fun, it is also a time where our learning can slow down or stop completely. This phenomena is called the “summer slide”. While this is something we all should avoid, we’ve come up with some ways to…

Summer Slide and How to Prevent It

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What is the Summer Slide? The “summer slide” is a reading skills learning loss from children not maintaining their reading activities over summer. The average student falls behind one month’s worth of reading skills during the summer. As well as children in low income households losing double that. This is…

How Students are Learning at Home with Dreamscape

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Melissa Saisuwan is a Grade 7 ELAR Teacher at Wichita Falls Independent School District in Wichita Falls, Texas Melissa discovered Dreamscape accidentally while looking for ways to help her struggling students with gaps in their learning. How and when do you use Dreamscape with your students? I usually use Dreamscape…

Dreamscape school program and a dynamic integration

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Gina Berry is a Grade 7 ELA Teacher at Andrew Carnegie Middle School in Sacramento, California Gina Berry uses Dreamscape during her regular school year but has also been looking into an “optional extension activity”. She does this by building a Dreamscape club for the upcoming school year! She is…

Q&A: Using Dreamscape to Support Distance Learning

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Aaron Stroup is a Grade 5 teacher and social studies facilitator at Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas. Please describe how and when you use Dreamscape with your students. In the classroom, I use Dreamscape to reinforce reading lessons I teach, and I use the data as feedback for which…

Q&A: How Australian 5/6 students are using Dreamscape to engage in reading

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Sasha Lucas is a Digital Technologies Leader & Senior Teacher at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Primary School, Cranbourne East, AUS. Australian teachers list Sasha are using Dreamscape in the classroom to engage students and track the progress of important reading skills. Please describe how and when you use Dreamscape…