Response to inappropriate content




Response to inappropriate content

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My name is Julia Rivard Dexter and I am the co-founder and CEO of Squiggle Park and Dreamscape. Both are digital literacy games designed to deliver the English Language Arts literacy curriculum through video games kids love, increasing kids motivation and skill in reading. On April 9th, 2020 we were…

6 Reading Strategies for Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension Questions

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Written by Shelby Clifford Sometimes multiple choice reading comprehension questions can be tricky to answer but there are lots of reading methods (in the form of mnemonics) that can help students select the right answer. Below you’ll find a list of different mnemonics that can easily be used when playing Dreamscape, taking…

Annual Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy review and update

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To all of our users or Squiggle Park and Dreamscape: We care very much about your data security and privacy and commit to an annual review of our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. This post confirms our 2020 annual review has ben completed and the documents have been updated…

Why 5% of Australian Students Perform Below National Literacy Standards

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Economic statistics and studies continue to show how important it is for students to develop literacy skills. We have seen that economies are boosted when literacy rates are higher and students who develop solid literacy skills have an exceptional ability to become excellent critical thinkers, expand their vocabulary and can…

Bulking Up Your Classroom Library

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This blog post was written by Lauren Lutz. She is a classroom educator located in central New Jersey.  She earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education from Boston University, and a master’s degree from New York University, Steinhardt in Digital Media Design for Learning. Click here to see Lauren’s full bio. Six…

A Decade of Evolution in the Classroom

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Here is our fourth installment of the Squiggle Park Teacher Team blogs. This one is posted by literacy assessment specialist David Dickerman. David works at the Educational Testing Service in the Teacher Licensure and Certification division. In this role he is required to stay current on current both content and…

Writing For Kids

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Sierra Weiner did her Undergraduate Degree at the University of British Columbia in a combination of fields that would lead many to sneer at the jobless prospects they seem to offer post-graduation: Literature, Linguistics, and Creative Writing. However, as chance would have it, those studies made her uniquely qualified for…

Be A Behavior Detective

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Becky Jones earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education from Rhode Island College and Master’s of Education in Special Education from the North Central University.  While she has spent her whole career at the elementary level, she has worked in both regular and special education. Nearly…

Tech Tips For Tech Integrators

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Kathleen Rodriguez is a technology coordinator/integrator at The Birch Wathen Lenox School located at New York City’s Upper East Side. She’s a NYU Steinhardt Alumni, earning her M.A. in Digital Media Design for Learning with a concentration in Games for Learning. She has a background in education, specifically Bilingual Childhood Educatio…