The ShoelaceL Challenge




The ShoelaceL Challenge

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We’ve launched a spectacular new dwell for your players to challenge! This nightmarishly difficult dwell was designed to increase playtime and encourage players to continue answering questions correctly. To learn more about challenges, visit our help desk article.

4 Reasons Why Seasons Are Great for Reading Practice

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            Giant fireballs battling fierce storms, dinosaurs that walk the earth again, and a maiden voyage that comes face-to-face with the dreaded Kraken –  these are just a few of the exciting seasons featured in Dreamscape that help to boost reading practice. …

Lesson Planning: How Early is too Early?

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Let Shoelace Learning help you with planning by signing your class up for a FREE reading comprehension game that will keep them learning all year long. Popular Opinions With summer drawing to a close, my colleagues and I are starting to plan (or feel guilty that…

Class Missions: Battle Monsters & Build Literacy

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Class Missions, one of our favorite Premium Plan features, are coming to all educators for free  next week for a free trial from May 9th-13th, 2022. To get started, here's an overview of what they are, how to use them in your class, and some cool ideas from other educators to get the most out of them.

12 Ways to Encourage More Reading Time

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While everyone loves to relax in the summer heat and have lots of fun, it is also a time where our learning can slow down or stop completely. This phenomena is called the “summer slide”. While this is something we all should avoid, we’ve come up with some ways to…