Reading Stamina Building Block One: Getting Ready

This is our second in a series of four posts on building reading stamina. You can read the introduction about why stamina is so important here.

Distractions, distractions everywhere 

The goal with building block one is to prepare for a focussed and uninterrupted reading session. Attention is at a premium these days and getting sidetracked is easy. So let’s get ready to limit distractions from the get-go.

Before You Start Reading

Stamina: a child reading a book on the couch

Make sure needs are met. Having unmet needs takes away from our ability to focus.  Make sure that stomachs are full, a glass of water is handy and that everyone has visited the bathroom ahead of time. 

Get comfy. Find a well-lit, comfortable and distraction-free environment to read in. If you can, avoid high-traffic or noisy areas. Make the area special by hanging art, photos and anything else your young reader loves. Pillow forts are highly recommended but don’t get too cozy! We want to be alert and ready to read. 

Turn off notifications. If you’re using Dreamscape for your session, turn off any device notifications. Otherwise if today’s session is about a book, put the screens away.  

Getting ready: An Ipad with Dreamscape

Choose the right reading. Start by asking your kids what they want to read. This helps to engage them in the reading process upfront and build buy-in. If you’re looking for inspiration check your Dreamscape dashboard to identify the genres that keep them most engaged. 

Set a shared goal. Talk about the goal for the session ahead of time. This could be getting a streak in Dreamscape*, finishing a chapter, or reading uninterrupted for a specific length of time. Just be careful they don’t watch the clock instead of reading.

*Bonus: they’ll get a reward in Dreamscape for hitting a streak!   

Thanks for reading! Check back next week as we dive into focus.

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