NEW Shoelace Dashboards!

Written by Kassandra Kadar

We are proud to announce the roll-out of the new Shoelace dashboard!

To get things started, we’ve replaced the Skills Report and Reading Comprehension Report in the educator dashboard as the first steps in our transition to improving how we empower educators to assess reading comprehension skills. 

The new dashboard will include exciting new features that benefit both educators and parents, including:

  • Recommendations for next steps, such as interventions or follow-up instructional activities
  • Printable reports
  • A real-time reporting system that delivers player data on demand
  • Notification and player activity history systems that highlight notable moments of player growth and struggle
  • Quicker updates to the platform for improving and adding new features requested by educators.The Skills report and Reading Comprehension reports were important to release first to align with our new and greatly improved learning engine. You can read all about that in this blog post.

The Skills Report

The Skills report has the most dramatic change. We’ve shifted to focus on the player’s understanding of a skill as they answer questions and progress through the skill tiers: 1. Learning, 2. Practicing, 3. Mastering. This better ensures that players will be receiving differentiated content with which they can practice skills independently. Each of your players are now placed into a tier for each skill that they have practiced. The colours on the bar under the Tier Distribution represents a different skill tier and the length represents the number of players in that tier. 

Creating skill assignments for your class are a great way to identify skill comprehension and see how each player progresses. 

Example of skills Comprehension Report

For an even deeper look, the Player Skills Report narrows in on any one player’s comprehension and progress of every skill that they have encountered. You will be able to see where your player’s strengths and weaknesses are by comparing their Questions Answered to their Tier Progress. Consider opting for our Premium plan to unlock more data about each individual player so you can meet them where they’re at.

Example of tier progress

Another great way to learn more about each of your players is by viewing Player Progress for a specific skill. This breakdown provides you a more detailed look into the distribution of your class over the tiers.

Example of player progress

Similar to the Player Skills Report, sorting by Questions Answered or Tier Progress will show you how well players comprehend the skill. A player who answers more questions without demonstrating much progress may be struggling. Our insights prepare educators to know where and when to check in with students to determine how they can support those with hindered progress.

Example of individual player skills report


The Reading Comprehension Report

In the new Reading Comprehension Report we’ve added each players’ placement test scores to show their reading comprehension level (RCL) growth at a glance. Learn more about Shoelace Learning’s RCL system in this blog post.

Example of Reading Comprehension Level (RCL) Report

In the RCL History Report you can now see exactly when and how a player’s RCL has changed. Each placement test is also recorded for greater clarity.

This graph can reveal a good opportunity to reassign the placement test if you see that a player’s RCL is rapidly falling or climbing. Another convenient Premium feature to consider.

Example of RCL History report

While there are changes to these reports, we’ve kept them similar to the originals to help with the adjustment  to the changes. That being said, we have more exciting plans that are just waiting to be released. 

Do you have any feedback on these new reports? Let us know here. We look forward to hearing from you!


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