This year has been a learning curve for us all, in many different ways.
From learning how to successfully teach virtually, finding ways to manage your children’s school from home, adapting to all the changes happening in everyday life, and so much more. We have seen countless opportunities for learning and growth over the past 12 months.
Whether your students are back in the classroom or are still learning remotely, we want Dreamscape to be a tool that helps to support and enhance their growth.
For this reason, our team at Eyeread worked hard over this past year to develop and inspire the next chapter of Dreamscape’s journey to deliver the best education to each learner through games they love. Ultimately, we are building opportunities for children to empower themselves and others through their learning.
With our brand new look and brand new website, we are better equipped to help you understand how Eyeread’s games work together to help achieve this vision through increased engagement and enhanced literacy skills.
What is Eyeread Inc.?
Founded in 2014, Eyeread is an advanced adaptive learning engine, delivering learning to every child at their individual level of reading skill through games they love. As the parent company of Dreamscape and Squiggle Park, Eyeread has built a global community of millions of learners and educators connected through the power of games.
With players in over 165 countries around the world, we are well on our way to achieving our mission to deliver all kids a better way to learn through the games they love!
By formally introducing you to Eyeread, we hope to build your understanding of our platform and welcome the opportunity for future growth in our learning communities, so keep an eye out because we have some big things planned!
What’s New on The Website?
You may have noticed that things look very different around here. The new Dreamscape colour palette, typography, and design reflects the environment we aim to create; An environment of Clarity, Consistency, and most importantly, Fun!
With the simplistic design of our website, we wanted our new turquoise colour to really POP! Blue represents intelligence and stability, whereas green represents growth, and when mixed together they create this fun and bright turquoise, allowing us to further express the essence of who we are.
Throughout your learning journey, we hope the new Dreamscape Turquoise will add a POP of fun into your life!

Alongside this sleek and fresh new Dreamscape look, our website now functions better for your needs. By streamlining our pages, resources, and articles we offer you a better experience and easier navigation when exploring our site.
New pages include:
The About The Game page where you can learn about how the game works and watch videos on how to play. Your students can even be featured here if they post an in-game Youtube video!
Our new Educator page offers even more information on how Dreamscape’s educational approach works and how other educators are using the game to enhance their classrooms.
On the Membership page, you can learn about how the membership works including the parent features that you can unlock with a membership.
+ Much more!
Is Anything Changing in the Game?
We love change and growth, but don’t worry Dreamscape is still the same game you use and love! The in-game look and features all remain the same, as well as the dashboard look and features.
We do have some big ideas this year for new features, so keep an eye out for those!
Not sure where to access your accounts on the new site? We’ve got you covered!
We are so excited for this next step in the Dreamscape journey and we hope you are too! With all this change, we assure you that our mission to make reading fun remains the same. We are committed to helping educators, parents, and students find learning tools that enhance their experiences and provide guilt-free screen time.
If you haven’t already, we would love for you to join us on this journey!