



Shoelace’s Reading Comprehension Skills

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Skill CategoriesShoelace’s reading comprehension platform is built on a foundation of over 100 reading comprehension skills. We categorize all skills in two ways. The first is by the type of skill (for example Literary E…

The importance of online privacy for children

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As parents, we want to ensure our children’s safety and privacy while they explore the digital world. As technology continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly important for us to be aware of the data-collecting capabilities of products that are marketed towards children. For example, many apps, websites and “…

Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors

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Back in 2015, we came across an infographic done by Sarah Park Dahlen and David Huyck representing the diversity of characters in children’s books. At that time, over 73% of characters were white. In their updated infographic (seen below) from 2018, that number had dropped to 50%. However, the group…

BDC Capital’s Thrive Venture Fund Expands investment in Woman Led Startups with Shoelace

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Halifax, Nova Scotia (February 2, 2023) — Shoelace Learning, recognized as one of the world’s most exciting early-stage EdTech digital learning startups, is excited to announce their recent investment by BDC Capital’s Thrive Venture Fund signaling an ongoing commitment to support…

Learning Engine Improvements

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At Shoelace, delivering high-quality, educational content is a top priority. Every change to the game is balanced against how it will impact the players’ learning experience. One of the biggest adjustments to the platform we’ve made over the past year, was the redesign of the question window itself,…

Black Friday Promotion

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We're Running A Promotion! November crept up on us fast! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’re kicking off the giving season with a Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotion for everyone!  A Special Gift for Premium Plan Holders Educators (who have a Premium Plan or) upgrade…

The ShoelaceL Challenge

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We’ve launched a spectacular new dwell for your players to challenge! This nightmarishly difficult dwell was designed to increase playtime and encourage players to continue answering questions correctly. To learn more about challenges, visit our help desk article.

New FAST Test Prep For Florida Students

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          The 2022 – 2023 school year marks the start of the new FAST progress monitoring testing in the state of Florida. In preparation for the new testing, a group of our Shoelace Learning summer teachers and curriculum specialists worked diligently to create FAST…

4 Reasons Why Seasons Are Great for Reading Practice

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            Giant fireballs battling fierce storms, dinosaurs that walk the earth again, and a maiden voyage that comes face-to-face with the dreaded Kraken –  these are just a few of the exciting seasons featured in Dreamscape that help to boost reading practice. …

How to Approach Students Starting the School Year Below Reading Level

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It’s time for a new school year to begin – a fresh start for everyone! The beginning of the year is an exciting time to get settled in with your new group of scholars. There is usually a little underlying anxiety about what that group will hold. A few questions…