From Learning to Mastery: Using the Skills Report to Guide Skill Development

The Skills Report

The Skills Report focuses on your players’ skill ability across the English/Language arts skills they encounter. As they answer more questions, the Skills Report updates to reflect their progress through Shoelace’s skill tier system:

  1. Tier One: Learning, which introduces skills to students through questions that include definitions, examples, and other scaffolds for support
  2. Tier Two: Practicing, which provides practice opportunities for students in a way that gradually weans away the scaffolds that were in place earlier
  3. Tier Three: Mastering, which provides the most rigorous content in the Shoelace library, so that students can demonstrate full understanding of the given skills

For every skill, players start at Tier One: Learning and progress through the tiers as they demonstrate their understanding. Shoelace’s Learning Engine ensures that each player receives content suitable to their Reading Comprehension Level. 

Assign tier one skill assignments to start your class off on their skill comprehension journey and gauge who might need additional instruction.

The Class Skills Report

In the Class Skills Report you will find a list of skills that your players have encountered while answering questions. The colored bars represent:

  1. Dark green: Players who have completed that tier and are in a higher tier. The goal is to fill each bar with dark green.
  2. Light green: Players who are currently in that tier.
  3. Gray: Players who have not yet encountered a skill in Shoelace. (Keep in mind that not every student will see every skill, as skills are delivered to students based on their Reading Comprehension Levels). 

Review the dark green bars to see which skills have the most progress among your class. Review the light green bars to see where your players are currently working.

Example of the Class Skills Report
Example of the Class Skills Report

The Player Skills Report

For an even deeper look, the Player Skills Report narrows in on any one player’s progress in every skill that they have encountered. Use the player selection dropdown on the right to view any player’s skills report.

You will be able to see where an individual player’s strengths and weaknesses are by comparing their questions answered (total) to their tier progress. Check for skills with many questions answered but a stagnation in tier one.

Example of The Player Skills Report
Example of The Player Skills Report

The Individual Skill Report

Another great way to learn more about each of your players is by viewing the Individual Skill Report, accessible from the Class Skills Report. Here you will see a breakdown of each of your players’ progress for the selected skill, an inverse of the Player Skills Report.

Example of The Individual Skill Report
Example of The Individual Skill Report

This is the best report to see which players may need more practice or instruction in particular skills. Assign appropriately leveled skill assignments to your players and review the assignment reports that have detailed breakdowns of their answers.

This is just one of the many insightful reports available on your Shoelace dashboard. Click here  to log in, explore the full range of reports, and discover how they can enhance your teaching experience.

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