Dreamscape school program and a dynamic integration

Gina Berry is a Grade 7 ELA Teacher at Andrew Carnegie Middle School in Sacramento, California

Gina Berry uses Dreamscape during her regular school year but has also been looking into an “optional extension activity”. She does this by building a Dreamscape club for the upcoming school year! She is currently using Dreamscape in her online ELD summer course. Students in the program are non-native English speakers, and the engaging platform is encouraging for them as they practice their English skills in a safe environment. In the regular school year, she will be integrating this into a Dreamscape school program!

Impact of implementing Dreamscape into a summer school program:

How are you using Dreamscape within a school program?

In my summer course, we play Dreamscape every day for about 15-20 minutes. In the regular school year, I have never made this into my daily lessons, but I am thinking about how I could add this in. I love being able to assign specific skills that I am already teaching in class. Dreamscape serves as a practice ground for lessons that I have previously taught. The reinforcement of the standard is lovely.

What improvements have you seen in your student’s reading scores?

I love that the data screen allows me to have private conversations with each student about their scores. I have seen an improvement not only in their scores, but in their desire to read and play. There are many reluctant readers in middle school, but Dreamscape is helping with that hurdle.

Have your students’ attitudes toward reading changed?

The kids are always teaching me new things about the game. This makes them feel like experts and therefore has built their self-confidence. I have students who have said, “this is a fun game” and “I like it because it is fun.” They do not even realize they are learning! Using Dreamscape in a school program will be so much easier when student’s are having fun.

How does Dreamscape compare to other education and reading resources?

It is free, which makes it amazing. The kids have accounts that can carry over to different classrooms and different teachers just by adding a class code. The game based learning aspect of the platform is excellent and familiar to the kids. As a teacher, the ability to assign specific skills but not have to come up with the questions myself is outstanding!

“It is free, and you have made all of the questions, which makes my busy teaching life so much easier.”

Sign up for a free account to get started with Dreamscape: https://dashboard.playdreamscape.com/register

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