From Placement to Progress: Using the RCL Report for Reading Level Growth




From Placement to Progress: Using the RCL Report for Reading Level Growth

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One of the most common questions that educators get asked (by parents, by school leaders, by themselves!) is if their students read on grade level. To answer this, English/Language Arts teachers often conduct benchmark a…

Player Activity Report: Your Key to Tracking Activity and Monitoring Progress

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When teachers are evaluated, the metrics typically focus on student growth or proficiency. In essence, did we make a measurable impact on our students during the year? As a former educator, I understand that, despite our…

From Learning to Mastery: Using the Skills Report to Guide Skill Development

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The Skills Report The Skills Report focuses on your players’ skill ability across the English/Language arts skills they encounter. As they answer more questions, the Skills Report updates to reflect their progress throug…

Class Missions: Battle Monsters and Build Literacy

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Beloved by educators and players alike, Class Missions is one of the most popular features on the Shoelace platform. Every Class Mission delivers unparalleled full-class engagement, building classroom camaraderie and tea…

My Coach Is Here for You!

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As they play and learn with Shoelace, your students are generating a lot of valuable data!  This data can empower you to make smart strategic choices, like how to group players together more effectively, which lessons to implement next, and even the ability to personalize the learning content for each…

Refine Your End of-Year-Grading with Shoelace

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I know, it probably feels as if summer vacation is still miles off course. Now that we’re entering the final marking period, though, we’re in the home stretch! That also means that it’s time for end-of-year responsibilities like grading, assessing, and reporting. As a former middle school teacher, I’ve been…

Working to evaluate EdTech platforms through the new lens of AI? Download support from Shoelace!

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Hi all! Lauren here. As I write this, I’m settling back into a traditional workweek after the Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC). At the conference, one educational buzzword quickly and clearly emerged as the top focus on everyone’s minds: Artificial Intelligence (AI).  I hosted a session at the…

Shoelace’s Reading Comprehension Skills

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Skill CategoriesShoelace’s reading comprehension platform is built on a foundation of over 100 reading comprehension skills. We categorize all skills in two ways. The first is by the type of skill (for example Literary E…

The importance of online privacy for children

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As parents, we want to ensure our children’s safety and privacy while they explore the digital world. As technology continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly important for us to be aware of the data-collecting capabilities of products that are marketed towards children. For example, many apps, websites and “…

Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors

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Back in 2015, we came across an infographic done by Sarah Park Dahlen and David Huyck representing the diversity of characters in children’s books. At that time, over 73% of characters were white. In their updated infographic (seen below) from 2018, that number had dropped to 50%. However, the group…